Nov. 17, 2017

HARRISBURG – Rep. Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre/Mifflin) today announced that more than $100,000 in Safe Schools Grants have been awarded to school districts in the 171st Legislative District.

“Providing for the safety and security of our children should be of utmost priority,” Benninghoff said. “I am pleased that tax dollars are being returned to our area to help our local schools do exactly that.”

School districts receiving funding include:
  • Bellefonte Area School District – Safe Schools School Police/Resource Officer Grant—$30,000.

  • Central PA Institution of Science and Technology—Safe Schools School Police/Resource Officer Grant— $60,000.

  • Mifflin County School District— Safe Schools Equipment Grant—$17,570.

Safe Schools Equipment Grants assist schools in reducing unnecessary student disciplinary actions and promote a climate of greater productivity, safety and learning. In addition, the funding assists schools in procuring the resources and training necessary to create a physical environment that fosters the safety and well-being of students and staff.

Safe Schools School Police/Resource Officer Grants allow for the training and compensation of school resource officers and school police officers. This grant last for a two-year term.

Representative Kerry Benninghoff
171st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Morgan Wagner
717.260.6281 /
