Jul. 07, 2022

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre/Mifflin) said today that area school districts will receive significant funding increases as part of the state’s investment in public school students in the fiscal year 2022-23 state budget.

State basic education funding increases for area school districts are reflected as follows:
• Bellefonte Area School District: $503,008
• State College Area School District: $1,560,884
• Mifflin County School District: $2,613,654
• Penns Valley School District: $555,533

“This year’s state budget continues our commitment to Pennsylvania’s public school students, and I am thankful that all school districts represented in the 171st District are receiving funding increases as part of this historic state budget,” Benninghoff said. “Such substantial increases in state support for public school students should allow for full student support while mitigating any need for increases in school district property taxes.”

In addition to the continued commitment to public school students, the state budget and related legislation also makes a historic $405 million statewide total investment in the Education Improvement Tax Credit that increases school choice opportunities and continues to empower families to make the best educational decisions for their children by ensuring they are not stuck in failed models.

“The education of children is an understandably paramount concern of Pennsylvania families. By increasing our commitment to school choice options, families can further be empowered to make the best educational decisions that fit them and the future needs of their children,” Benninghoff stated.

Representative Kerry Benninghoff
Pennsylvania House Majority Leader
171st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jason Gottesman
(717) 512-0620
KerryBenninghoff.com / Facebook.com/RepBenninghoff